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Daniela Paolona discusses ways parents can manage chronic pain for themselves and connect with their daughters

Today’s guest is Daniela Paolone, a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist who practices in Westlake Village, CA. Daniela specializes in supporting people living with chronic pain, illness, anxiety, and depression. In today’s episode she shares mindfulness and emotional freedom techniques along with the science behind how these techniques can help manage symptoms. Daniela discusses how parents who have chronic pain or illness can stay connected to their daughter and ways parents can support their daughter if she has chronic pain or illness.

Daniela completed her Masters in Counseling Psychology with a Specialization in Latino Counseling. After earning her masters degree she continued working with children as a behavioral specialist for children with special needs and/or emotional difficulties. At this time she also began working as an intern in private practice where she worked mostly with clients of diverse ethnic and cultural backgrounds who were struggling with a history of addiction, trauma, intimate partner violence, divorce, and difficult life transitions.

During the episode, Daniela discusses the Emotional Freedom Technique, which is a combination of counseling therapy and Chinese acupressure. Specific points on the body are tapped on by the client using gentle pressure while a conversation is gently guided on a particular emotion and life experience.

In this episode you will learn:

  • How Daniela began her work supporting people with chronic pain
  • The methods and ways she supports people dealing with chronic pain
  • How the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) works

Managing Chronic Pain or Illness:

  • How chronic pain can impact on a family’s life
  • How parents can get the support they need to avoid chronic pain triggering anxiety & depression
    • What are activities they have done in past that helped-social support, art, journaling
    • Asking others for help to support them in parenting
  • Overcoming our own pride and knowing its ok to ask friends for support
  • Differentiating self-care from selfishness and understanding its importance
  • The ways in which parents can support their daughter suffering from chronic pain
  • Managing your own expectations when dealing with these issues
  • Creating a space in which parents can have positive discussion with their daughter
  • Actions parents can take if it’s not the right time for their daughter to see a therapist

What is Emotional Freedom Technique or Tapping

  • How EFT scientifically works and the impact it’s had over the years
  • The impact EFT can have on teens / tweens in their developmental stage of life
  • The “Rose & The Thorn” exercise and how it can improve conversation

If you enjoyed this episode, please leave a review on iTunes or Stitcher and for more information, head to – http://nicolecburgess.com/launchingyourdaughter

Daniela’s Information:


Books (Disclaimer affiliate links)

Freedom From Pain: Discover Your Body’s Power to Overcome Physical Pain by Peter Levine and Maggie Phillips

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