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Family meetings are important because they give your teen daughter an opportunity to participate in decision making and to learn the democratic process. Purpose of the meetings are: to make plans and decisions, solve problems, plan for family activities and provide support and encouragement. They are an opportunity for each person to be heard, have a chance to discuss and change decisions they maybe struggling with and can help settle conflicts. Meetings can also help relieve parents from making every decision in the home. Empower your children in learning critical thinking skills, learn how to negotiate and become more accountable for their choices.
Eight steps in making the meetings productive:
- Create specific day and time for weekly meetings,
- Rotate a chairperson and note taker,
- Establish and stay within time limits,
- Everyone has a chance to offer ideas and suggestions,
- Everyone is encouraged to bring up issues,
- Come with solutions vs complaints only,
- Opportunities to divide up household chores, and
- Plan for family activities.
Leadership skills taught in family meetings are:
- Assertive communication,
- Reflective listening,
- Brainstorming,
- Creating structure,
- Summarizing,
- Getting commitments,
- Providing feedback,
- Direct interactions and
- Encouragement.